Dairyland Insurance


New member
Has anyone ever had experience with Dairyland. I hear that they are insanely cheap, but the customer service is horrible and they do all kinds of shady things.
Has anyone ever had experience with Dairyland. I hear that they are insanely cheap, but the customer service is horrible and they do all kinds of shady things.

Never heard of them I use progressive and full coverage for NJ for 12 months is $318. I figure what you have to ask yourself are you just getting insurance to be able to ride legally or to actually cover you if something happens? If your just trying to ride and that's it cheap is good but if something happens it might really bad fire on you ie you hurt someone or there property.


New member
I have had two crashes dairyland insurance and they SUCK!
If you get a ticket in the accident then they will not cover you what so ever!


New member
No, it was for riding a motorcycle on unsafe mountain road conditions, The trooper also said the 36 mph in a 35 zone will get dropped. The main thing was back in August 2015 I got a speeding ticket in Kansas while going across country to upstate NY, I forgot about the ticket while on my one month vacation and Kansas suspended my license 4 months later with a warrant in my name. I never knew all this because the dmv doesn't forward mail when you move and I forgot to change the address with the dmv because I'm a busy person.
Oi LOL 850$ in Fines are all paid now and waiting on the release letter from Kansas so I can go Pay $130 more to Colorado to get my license fully. My court date for the accident is on May 3rd.
Then rebuild the bike and get new insurance from another company! This is the Second crash DairyLand have refused to take care of because of a ticket issued and it doesn't matter what the ticket is for.. F***ed.