FZ8 and beowulf can

HAHAHA i wasnt going to say anything, but the rev limiter is there as a safe guard, not a test point. But to each his own!!!
sorry dudes , i treat all my bikes the same , come summer time , the bike will always be on the limiter , the main reason i switched back to the standard airfilter after doing the airbox mod , is cos it wouldn`t get to the limiter with the DNA filter on board , she`ll be alright ;)
Ride it however you like!

I have built a ton of engines, Just because there is a limiter doesn't mean its good for your engine. Just wait until you see the main bearings, connecting rods, valve seats, wrist pin, etc. after a few years of that. Man at that high rpm for a period of time, I don't care how good your oil is, something is not being oiled properly. As long as you have the money, and like it, ride it like you stole it!!!!! And dont even start on "thats how all the racers ride", well they also rebuild their engines like they change their socks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You went back to a stock air filter, just so you could get back to the limiter? Hmm....... sounds like you might want to look into some performance mods, instead of beating the crap out of the engine just to get a little better performance. Just my :2cents:
i fear as i have only been on this site a short time , i`ll become an outcast because of my vid , i do treat her well , i ride her everyday , i don`t put her on the limiter when stationary that often , even when i ride , its only on them weekend blasts . would love to modify her , but got 3 years of finance to go , my ultimate is to put a turbo on her , if this video continues to offend people , i`ll remove as thats not what life is all about

ps , ain`t bothered about racers , am 41 years young , married with two kids , electrician is me trade , always ride on my own , my neck is knackered from crashing , my back is buggered from crashing , but my god i love this bike to bits :)

so please don`t thing i`m horrible

don't let any other member (except admin) dictate your posts. sharing is GREAT and encouraged!!!

it's your bike, ride it and treat it as you wish.

have to remember though that we are all unique individuals with our own opinions. it's a give and take on forums. NEVER take it personal (if it was personal report it) and enjoy the feedback, good or bad (should never be ugly though).
Easy guys, easy.

As mentioned above. To each his own. No one is personally attacked here.

Ive riden with a few biker gangs and smashing the rev limiter is actually pretty common. I could see FZ8s being an affordable stunt bike for amateurs or even some competitors, getting abused left and right. So no biggie.
Vid is cool, exhaust sounds good. Just not a fan of using the rev limiter for any reason. Just causes me more work, LOL. Def wont be an outcast, we all are a tad crazy and unique in our own way!

Its yours, ride it like you want! Just remember people will put their opinions in when you post something, thats the good and bad part of these forums. But ultimately these forums are here to help, and share!!!!!!

No worries! These bikes were meant for high RPMs and the limiter is there as a safety. Please ignore the rude comment made by specops13. I can understand his passion but the bike is fine hitting the limiter, stationary or not. The video isn't showing the rider breaking any laws. You are fine, the bike is fine and if Yamaha thought those RPMs would damage the bike in any way, they would set the limiter at a lower RPM. ;)

Awesome can BTW!!! And welcome to the site!

thanks chaps , no offence was taken , just didn`t want to upset no one and glad i have not , more vid`s to come , once i can borrow a camera off one of the heli`s at the model club
thanks chaps , no offence was taken , just didn`t want to upset no one and glad i have not , more vid`s to come , once i can borrow a camera off one of the heli`s at the model club

No problem. Just make sure they don't break the forum rules, a.k.a. breaking any laws. ;) We enjoy good videos!