Recent content by asantos

  1. asantos

    Hi from spain. I think that i am the one from spain. I will need help with language. And help for buy in usa and china. I have a fz8 n since 1.5 ye

    jajaja!!! No te preocupes Fazed, se te ha entendido de puta madre! Jorge, y tu tampoco te preocupes, que también te haces entender. Hace tiempo atrás, el foro era capaz de traducir automáticamente español-inglés. Ahora ya no lo hace, pero con un poco de paciencia y copia-pega utilizando un...
  2. asantos

    Hi from spain. I think that i am the one from spain. I will need help with language. And help for buy in usa and china. I have a fz8 n since 1.5 ye

    Hi Jorge!!! and welcome!!! How's the 8? I would stay with the second one. I like their aesthetics.
  3. asantos

    Your other/past cycle pics

    My first Motorbyke: Suzuki GSF 400 Bandit (1991) More info
  4. asantos

    new acquisitions

    Yeah, I've seen a lot of protection, especially in sections of motorway. The appearance of the bike has changed, but I prefer the comfort, at least in winter ... :) "Puig" New Generation Best regards Alfredo
  5. asantos

    new acquisitions

    hi all He had placed these photos to my album, but they had not submitted my new acquisitions for this winter: "Kriega" US-10 Drybag. "Kriega" US-10 Drybag. "Puig" New Generation Wind Screen best regards :) Alfredo
  6. asantos

    Shad Sport rack?

    hi all, Just arrived for FZ8. What you think about it? Shad Sport Rack item for Kawasaki Z750 gretings alfredo
  7. asantos

    Howdy from a new member

    saludos Fazerick El caballete central es el proximo accesorio que voy añadir en mi FZ8 :)
  8. asantos

    FZ8 oder XJ6

    When I first visit yamaha dealer, was convinced by the XJ6. It was the bike I wanted to buy. But when I went out the door was already convinced by the FZ8. The next day I bought it. FZ8 = more torque, more brakes, more forks... more bike look where you look!!! :) regards alfred
  9. asantos

    Another Texan!!

    welcome guy!!!
  10. asantos

    Another Newbie

    Welcome Texas!!!
  11. asantos

    Passenger Handles

    I leave here the instructions for mounting a rear carrier for FZ8, which has handles for the passenger are included. I wonder if both accessories are interchangeable after cutting the tail fairing. provenance of the photographs: best regards alfredo
  12. asantos

    Passenger Handles

    hola a todos Bueno, he tardado un poco en hacer las fotos, pero aquí están :) Os dejo una foto de regalo. Las nuevas generaciones vienen pisando fuerte :D Olympus E-P1+14-42 (Zoom kit) un saludo alfredo
  13. asantos

    [langtitle=it]Ciao a tutti.......[/langtitle]

    hola Fabio bienvenido y saludos desde España :welcome:
  14. asantos

    Passenger Handles

    hola a todos lucen muy bien los asideros, DJK1505 :) Esta tarde tengo que dejar mi moto para revisión en el concesionario, y también voy a instalar los asideros. Mañana haré alguna foto de cómo quedan. un saludo alfredo
  15. asantos

    fuel tank pads

    Yes, that is. Translucent so it looks black color of the tank :) But I would without any design. Also is thicker than the blade of the video ;) thanks y regards alfredo